A dynamic story depicting the rise to power of Oda Nobunaga. The story of a young man on the battlefields of the Sengoku era, who possessed character and courage, and who became a great commander and ruler, while some called him a great dictator. A film adaptation of the novel by Sohachi Yamaoka.
Cast Of - 紅顔の若武者 織田信長
Crew Members
Kinnosuke Nakamura
Oda Nobunaga
Hizuru Takachiho
Ryūnosuke Tsukigata
Hirate Masahide
Eitarō Shindō
Saitō Dōsan
Kensaku Hara
Hayashi Hidesada
Eijirō Yanagi
Oda Nobuhide
Eijirō Kataoka
Maeda Toshiie
Kazuo Ishii
Oda Nobuyuki
Kenji Kusumoto
Oda Nobukiyo