In this musical adaptation of the anime, Kawagoe Boys Sing, an eccentric ex-conductor helps a unique group of high school students form a boys choir, where they learn to express themselves and overcome their fears.
Cast Of - 『川越ボーイズ・シング』-喝采のクワイア-
Crew Members
Toshiyuki Someya
Haruo Hibiki (響春男)
Hikaru Imamaki
Tenshi Dei (出井天使) / Danbocchi
Takemoto Yusuke
Hiroshi Yazawa (矢沢ひろし) / Ei-chan
Shō Katō
Shuji Shiratori (白鳥修治) / Tori-chan
Kazan Yokoyama
Kaito Kobashi (小橋快人) / IT-kun
Haruto Sakuraba
Shizuo Barato (茨戸静男) / Otome
Akito Teshima
Jin Adachi (足立尽)
Ikumi Isaka
Kō Hyūga (日向行)
Toaru Isono
Shin Hyūga (日向進)
Ren Takanshi
Tomo Hakase (葉加瀬友) / Hakase