Harcmodor (1980)
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The story played by civilian players is laid in a Transdanubian village, where on the initiative of the municipality doctor the local inhabitants wish to build a social welfare home as volunteers, with the support of the local co-operative and the state farm. Having first consented to the plan, the leadership of the county starts opposing the project because of the plan to build a social welfare home called the City of the Happy Aged to be established by the county. Both parties take the field for their ideas and the battle starts.
Cast Of - Harcmodor
Crew Members
Dr. Tóthné - járási fõorvos (as Dr. Piri Ida)
Gubica József - tanácselnök
Szabó Kálmán - tanácselnök helyettes
Csapó Mihály - Állami Gazdaság igazgató (as Dr. Hegedüs János)
Megyei Tanács elnökhelyettes
Járási Hivatal vezetõ (as Dr. Kutas Sándor)
Megyei Tanács elnöke
Szakács Zsuzsa - szocpol elõadó
Horváth Éva - szocpol elõadó