"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided to become a delinquent. Hiroshi dropped out of a private middle school and transferred to a public school There he joins up with a delinquent gang.
Cast Of - ドロップ
Crew Members
Hiroki Narimiya
Hiroshi Shinanogawa
Hiro Mizushima
Tatsuya Iguchi
Yuika Motokariya
Yusuke Kamiji
Hideo Kimura
Noriko Nakagoshi
Yuka Shinanogawa
Show Aikawa
Yuji Ayabe
Yutaka Anjo
Ken'ichi Endô
Tatsuya's Father
Satoshi Fujimoto
PE Teacher
Toshifumi Fujimoto
PT Teacher