The extraordinary story of Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, who served as Brazilian Ambassador to Paris during WWII. A largely unsung hero, he defied his own government’s orders by granting hundreds of unauthorised visas to Jews and others facing imminent capture and death.
Cast Of - Querido Embaixador
Crew Members
Norival Rizzo
Embaixador Souza Dantas
Alice Assef
Madeleine Carlier
Felipe Rocha
Martins Leta
Miriam Mehler
Elise Stern
Isio Ghelman
Jerôme Levy
Antonio Fragoso
Paulo Carneiro
Daniel Ericsson
Jean Pierre Dorian
Gustavo Ottoni
Embaixador Oswaldo Aranha
Bruno Guida
Embaixador Murilo Rezende
Hélio Ribeiro
Gilberto Amado