Based on the novel by Alex Vella Gera, the film follows father and son Richard and Noel Sammut Petri, as hidden plans from 1984, weigh down on lives in 2012. 1984, Malta is in the middle of a political crisis from years of corruption and a protracted fight between the socialist government and the catholic church. Richard Sammut Petri, a young father, is inducted into a shady organisation by his friend Roger Tabone and convinced to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malta. 2012, Noel Sammut Petri returns to Malta for his mother’s funeral, still haunted by the memories of his father Richard, who abandoned his family back in 1984. Slowly, Noel is pulled in by the old family friend Roger and his family, but the closer he gets, the more history starts to haunt his life and he becomes destined to fall in the same pit of snakes that took down his father.
Cast Of - Is-sriep reġgħu saru velenużi
Crew Members
Richard Sammut Petri
Roger Tabone Sr
Noel Sammut Petri
Frances Tabone
Roger Tabone Jr
Simon Sammut Petri
Maureen Sammut Petri