Cast and Crew Of - Run

Cast Members

Daphne Pollard Daphne Pollard

Coach Minnie Marmon

Carole Lombard Carole Lombard

Norma Nurmi

Lionel Belmore Lionel Belmore

The Dean

Jim Hallett Jim Hallett

Cadet - Norma's Sweetheart

Margie Angus Margie Angus

Minor Role

Mary Angus Mary Angus

Minor Role

Betty Arlen Betty Arlen

Minor Role

Myron Babcock Myron Babcock

Minor Role

Anita Barnes Anita Barnes

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Eleanor Black Eleanor Black

Minor Role

Caroline Burke Caroline Burke

Minor Role

Fanny Burt Fanny Burt

Minor Role

John Cannons John Cannons

Minor Role

Barbara Clayton Barbara Clayton

Minor Role

Sidney Clifford Sidney Clifford

Minor Role

Andy Clyde Andy Clyde


Velma Connor Velma Connor

Minor Role

Lillian Copeland Lillian Copeland


Nancy Cornelius Nancy Cornelius

Minor Role

Nellie Doerschlag Nellie Doerschlag

Minor Role

Ardon Faught Ardon Faught

Minor Role

Madalynne Field Madalynne Field

Carrie Waite

Austin George Austin George

College Boy

Greta Granstedt Greta Granstedt

Minor Role

George Gray George Gray

Track Announcer

Francis Hamilton Francis Hamilton

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Olive Hatch Olive Hatch

Minor Role

Edna Hearn Edna Hearn

Minor Role

Barney Hellum Barney Hellum


Boyd Irwin Boyd Irwin

Minor Role

Ray Johnson Ray Johnson

Minor Role

Jean Keller Jean Keller

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Gordon Lewis Gordon Lewis

Minor Role

Mary Lord Mary Lord

Minor Role

Patsy Meredith Patsy Meredith

Minor Role

Lucille Miller Lucille Miller

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Kate Moore Kate Moore

Minor Role

Roger Moore Roger Moore

First Griddle Man

Jack Murphy Jack Murphy

Minor Role

Evelyn Nair Evelyn Nair

Minor Role

Ethel Nichols Ethel Nichols

Minor Role

Patsy O'Leary Patsy O'Leary

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Bee Palmer Bee Palmer

Minor Role

Virginia Parent Virginia Parent

Minor Role

Elvira Peterson Elvira Peterson

Minor Role

Barbara Pierce Barbara Pierce

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Aloha Porter Aloha Porter

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Don Redfern Don Redfern

Minor Role

Ronald R. Rondell Ronald R. Rondell

College Boy

Paul Ross Paul Ross


Art Rowlands Art Rowlands


Thelma Salter Thelma Salter

Minor Role

Frankie Simonds Frankie Simonds

Minor Role

Hyca Slocum Hyca Slocum

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Marjorie Sonneborn Marjorie Sonneborn

Minor Role

Kathryn Stanley Kathryn Stanley

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Ted Stroback Ted Stroback


Mary B. Stuart Mary B. Stuart

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Elsie Tarron Elsie Tarron

Minor Role

Barbara Tennant Barbara Tennant

Minor Roe

Jack Thomas Jack Thomas


Alice Ward Alice Ward

Minor Role

Renee Whitney Renee Whitney

Minor Role

Rayma Wilson Rayma Wilson

Minor Role

Leota Winters Leota Winters

Bathing Girl in Tableau

Ben Wise Ben Wise

Minor Role

Crew Members

Fred Dawson


Ray Johnson


Mack Sennett


Tenny Wright

Assistant Director

John A. Waldron

Production Supervisor

Ted Stevens

Assistant Director

Tenny Wright


Ferde Meyer


Paul Perez

Title Graphics

Vernon L. Walker

Director of Photography

St. Elmo Boyce

Director of Photography

Louis Jennings

Director of Photography

Roy Musgrave

Director of Photography

Edwin Bower Hesser

Director of Photography

Frank Heisler

Director of Photography

Ray Rennahan

Director of Photography