Cast and Crew Of - Maggot

Cast Members

Crew Members

Laurentijn Callewaert

Production Assistant

Kenny De Rijcke

Production Assistant

Sven Van Uytfanghe

Post Production Coordinator

Wesley Remory

Prop Designer

Wesley Remory


Thomas Van Caneghem

Associate Producer

Olga Vyncke

Associate Producer

Wesley Remory

Set Decoration

Gert Verheust

Production Assistant

Wesley Remory


Laurentijn Callewaert

Associate Producer

Wesley Remory

Camera Operator


Associate Producer

Wesley Remory

Special Effects

Wesley Remory


Randy De Roover

Associate Producer

Wesley Remory

Foley Artist

Jordi Willems

Production Assistant

Patrick Van Hauwaert

Production Assistant

Joke Ruysschaert

Production Assistant

Randy De Roover

Production Assistant

Yana Remory

Production Assistant

Thomas Van Caneghem

Production Assistant

Anne Van der Veken

Production Assistant

Kenny Van Horenbeeck

Production Assistant

Kelly Remory

Production Assistant